Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The most recent family picture we have.
Dang, we're a good lookin bunch!
(Lex speaking...I felt pretty okay!? what's wrong with that?)

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's been awhile....a long while!

So it's been awhile. Lex got busy and mom and dad have NO idea how to get on this thing!
So the biggest news we have thus far in the year 2008 is...
Jazz got married!
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snooks! :)
She is so happy and they live in Caldwell (who knew you could be happy living in Caldwell..).
Aaron goes to TVCC and plays basketball there.
Jazz just moved salons and is now working at All That Jazz (perfect name, we know).
Its on Roosevelt and 16th by the Holly shopping center.

Engagement pic

The 8 hot bridesmaids!
Kara Burns, Mel (Aaron's sis), Alisha (Aaron's sis), Jen Ward, Jazz, Lex, Ashley Jackson, Stacy Hayes and Heather Burns

Ah...the happy couple.

All the siblings at the temple.